HomeLandscape & NatureKeswick 1 Keswick 1$5.00 Derwentwater from Keswick in the evening Keswick 1 quantity Buy now Category: Landscape & Nature Tags: buttermere, cumbria, fells, forest, helvellyn, hill, hill farming, holiday, holiday resort, lake, lake district, mountain range, mountains, sheep, skiddaw, tourism, vacation, windermere Product ID: 6669 Description Description Derwentwater from Keswick in the evening Related products buttermere, cumbria, fells, forest, helvellyn, hill, hill farming, holiday, holiday resort, lake, lake district, mountain range, mountains, sheep, skiddaw, tourism, vacation, windermereButtermere $5.00 Buy now buttermere, cumbria, fells, forest, helvellyn, hill, hill farming, holiday, holiday resort, lake, lake district, mountain range, mountains, sheep, skiddaw, tourism, vacation, windermereKirkstone $5.00 Buy now arctic, chill, cold, frozen, global warming, ice, iceberg, iceland, lake, sea, snow, tourism, white, winterIceberg $5.00 Buy now